Adult Educational Studies

Over the past years, several adult studies have been offered at SCF. Many of them contain assorted study materials including Participant’s Guides, Leader’s Guide, & DVDs.

During this time when groups are not able to meet, these studies can provide you with a means to continue with your own spiritual growth.

Click the link below to inform you of what is now available for you to borrow.
Adult Educational Studies

Contact Pastor Rob in the church office if you would like to borrow any
of the above-linked study materials. 541-593-1183 or

Bell Practice

Meets at Sunriver Christian Fellowship — New “Bell Ringers” always welcome, experience helpful but not required.
Contact Shelly Giaier at 908-328-8818 for more information.

Choir Practice

Wednesdays 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm  Sunriver Christian Fellowship

New “Singers” are always welcome, experience helpful but not required.
Contact Rob Pearson 541-593-1183 for more information

Prayer Shawl Knitters

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is in need of additional knitters.

Please call Shirley, at the number below, to learn more … and obtain your yarn.
The shawls are blessed and gifted to people with special needs, concerns, or celebrations.

Thank you.
Shirley Carlson — Contact Shirley 541-788-7689

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