Transformed to love & serve

The Goal of the Education Ministry of SCF

Ongoing Groups - These groups continue to meet throughout the year.

Feminine Spirituality Groups

This group meets every Monday; 10-11:30 a.m., SCF Fellowship Hall through April 10. Beginning April 17, due to the start of the Phase 2 Remodeling, this group will meet in the sanctuary.

The book being discussed is: The Great Conversation—Nature and the Care of the Soul  by theologian Belden C. Lane. 

All women are welcome. For further information contact: Chris Hamilton: 


Men of Faith Group

Men of Faith
This group meets this month on May 17,  3-4 p.m. in the SCF sanctuary.
For more information contact Harry Hamilton:

Centering Prayer Group

Wednesdays 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Currently the Centering Prayer Group is full, but stay tuned as we all know things do change.

Contact: Bette Butler for more details 541-647-7982 (cell/text)

Stay informed with all our events and updates.