Community SErvice / Ministry Teams
Ministry | Name |
Managing Board | Barb Purcell |
Food with Friends | Jenny Long & Barb Purcell |
Membership-Welcome | Jenny Long |
Coffee Hour | Sally Heise |
Andi's Kitchen | Diana Gustavson |
Hospitality & Decor | Gina Rosbrook |
Nominating Committee | Gene Krueger |
Education | Reverend Kally Elliott |
Scholarship Fund | Steve Phares |
National/International Outreach | Terry and Gina Tjaden |
Local Outreach-UPCAP | Jane Boubel |
Building and Grounds | Dave Drescher |
Communications | Mark and Cindy McConnell |
Lutheran Council | Karen Newcomb |
Episcopal Vestry | Randy Heise |
Stewardship | Bob Sessler |
Finance Committee | Joe Amos |
Endowment Trustees | Wade Watson |
Worship and Music | Reverend Kally Elliott & Mitzi Putney |
Bells of Sunriver | Shelley Giaier & jan Tuckerman |
SCF Choir | Kathy Bullock |
Worship Support | Dave Long, Ushers ; Randy Heise, Greeters |
Lay Readers | Joan Lewis, Office Manager |
Altar Guild | Linda Smith |
Audio Visual Operations | Randy Heise & Ryan Lewis |
Congregational Care | Reverend Kally Elliott |
Stephen Ministry | Randy Heise |
Internal Communications | Joan Lewis, Office Manager |
Community Fund Raising and Support Sponsored by SCF:
Ministry | Name |
Managing Board | Barb Purcell |
Food with Friends | Jenny Long & Barb Purcell |
Membership-Welcome | Jenny Long |
Coffee Hour | Sally Heise |
Andi's Kitchen | Diana Gustavson |
Hospitality & Decor | Gina Rosbrook |
Nominating Committee | Gene Krueger |
Education | Reverend Kally Elliott |
Scholarship Fund | Steve Phares |
National/International Outreach | Terry and Gina Tjaden |
Local Outreach-UPCAP | Jane Boubel |
Building and Grounds | Dave Drescher |
Communications | Mark and Cindy McConnell |
Lutheran Council | Karen Newcomb |
Episcopal Vestry | Randy Heise |
Stewardship | Bob Sessler |
Finance Committee | Joe Amos |
Endowment Trustees | Wade Watson |
Worship and Music | Reverend Kally Elliott & Mitzi Putney |
Bells of Sunriver | Shelley Giaier & jan Tuckerman |
SCF Choir | Kathy Bullock |
Worship Support | Dave Long, Ushers ; Randy Heise, Greeters |
Lay Readers | Joan Lewis, Office Manager |
Altar Guild | Linda Smith |
Audio Visual Operations | Randy Heise & Ryan Lewis |
Congregational Care | Reverend Kally Elliott |
Stephen Ministry | Randy Heise |
Internal Communications | Joan Lewis, Office Manager |