SCF Managing Board

SCF Ministry Teams

Managing BoardBarb Purcell
Food with Friends Jenny Long & Barb Purcell
Membership-WelcomeJenny Long
Coffee HourSally Heise
Andi's Kitchen Diana Gustavson
Hospitality & DecorGina Rosbrook
Nominating CommitteeGene Krueger
EducationReverend Kally Elliott
Scholarship FundSteve Phares
National/International OutreachTerry and Gina Tjaden
Local Outreach-UPCAPJane Boubel
Building and GroundsDave Drescher
CommunicationsMark and Cindy McConnell
Lutheran CouncilKaren Newcomb
Episcopal VestryRandy Heise
StewardshipBob Sessler
Finance CommitteeJoe Amos
Endowment TrusteesWade Watson
Worship and MusicReverend Kally Elliott & Mitzi Putney
Bells of SunriverShelley Giaier & jan Tuckerman
SCF ChoirKathy Bullock
Worship SupportDave Long, Ushers ; Randy Heise, Greeters
Lay ReadersJoan Lewis, Office Manager
Altar GuildLinda Smith
Audio Visual OperationsRandy Heise & Ryan Lewis
Congregational CareReverend Kally Elliott
Stephen MinistryRandy Heise
Internal Communications Joan Lewis, Office Manager