Sunriver Christian Fellowship Ministry Teams and their Purpose.
To encourage sharing of time, talent and money where there is need. Work actively in meeting needs of our local area’s families and children. Plan and disseminate Outreach funds. Support worldwide charitable needs. Support needs of families in our region.
Learn MoreFellowship Ministry
To promote fellowship among the members of SCF. Organize refreshments after the services. Organize “Seven at Seven” dinner groups. Organize pot lucks and refreshments for congregational events.
Adult Education Ministry
To formulate and maintain Christian educational programs. Create adult education programs that will be attractive to a broad cross-section of our membership while maintaining relevance to our basic religious beliefs.
Evangelism / Membership Ministry
Presenting SCF as a welcoming and inclusive church for newcomers and to enable them to learn about our community and ministries through New Member Classes.
Pastoral Care Ministry
To support our Pastor in providing personal contacts to members who are unable to participate in regular worship services.
Lay Eucharistic Ministry
Solicit and train members to be Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) to visit home bound members and bring our Sunday service and Communion to them.
Clergy Support Ministry
To provide a support base for the clergy. Be available for congregational and personal concerns. Make recommendations for changes in the Pastor’s role to the Managing Board. Assist the Pastor in annual evaluations. Act as liaison between the Board and the Pastor.
Stewardship Ministry
To conduct the annual Stewardship campaign. Conduct annual solicitation for money, time and talents from church members and friends. Assist and encourage outreach and philanthropic activities. Coordinate with the Finance Ministry to develop the annual budget and with the other Ministry Teams to place members on Ministry Teams.
Financial Ministry
To ensure the prudent management of SCF financial affairs. Prepare an annual financial budget. Monitor the status of the budget. Make recommendations on financial matters. Coordinate with the Stewardship Ministry team and maintain necessary records.
Worship Ministry
To ensure our worship service is based on liturgical traditions and is welcoming to all Christians. Coordinate Altar Guild activities and the organization and training of all other worship support personnel. See activities listed on Time and Talent Form.
Music Ministry
This committee plans the congregational music for weekly and seasonal worship services, working in conjunction with the Worship Committee.
Bells Ministry
The Bells of Sunriver is an active handbell ministry at Sunriver Christian Fellowship. We participate in worship twice a month and play in the community for special events. The Bells of Sunriver rehearse on Monday afternoons. We welcome all musicians who are interested in learning this beautiful art form. You do not have to be a member of the church to join. If interested, contact Shelley Giaier, director ( or 908-328-8818.
Communications Ministry
Provides information about SCF through brochures, news articles, signs, and advertisements in the Sunriver magazine.
Stephen Ministry
What is Stephen Ministry? Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one ministry by trained, caring lay ministers who have responded to Christ’s call to “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2
A Stephen Minister is … a child of God who walks beside a hurting person. a caring Christian friend who really listens. a layperson who has received 50 hours of training in how to provide distinctively Christian care.
A Stephen Minister is NOT … a counselor, a therapist, a casual visitor.
Who can Benefit? Anyone going through difficult times who needs someone to care, listen, and share God’s love with them on a one-to-one confidential basis.
Church Managing Board
To manage the operation and ministry of the church in accordance with the Vision Statement.