Pastor’s Letter – September 2022 – OUR NEW CHURCH: A Progress Report

It has been more than 2 years since SCF began the search for a new home in mid-2020. There have been lots of challenges along the way but the significant goal of creating an inspirational new space for our worship services will soon be achieved. It is indeed a very exciting time.

R&H Construction began work on July 25 and has been making great progress since then. Demolition has been completed and framing of the raised platform, sacristy, new walls and new doorways is complete. The next several weeks will be occupied with electrical rough-in, plumbing rough-in, fire sprinkler system modifications, and HVAC ductwork modifications. Later in September, wallboard work will begin followed by painting and finish work in October and November. R&H presently projects completion by December 1.

A dedicated group of volunteers has served on a sanctuary design review committee for the past six months. They have interacted with ORW Architecture, reviewed options, provided feedback, and made necessary decisions regarding the sanctuary design and its furnishings. New stackable chairs and other furnishings for the sanctuary have been ordered and should arrive in late November or early December.

The project is tracking well with the budget and available funds. We are very grateful for the generosity of the congregation and thank those who have already submitted their 2022 pledged donations. Payment of outstanding 2022 pledges by the end of September will greatly assist with managing cash flow for the project.

Thank you to the entire congregation for your enthusiastic support of the project.

Wade Watson, Project Manager